Shopping made easier.
Discover more about the visitor services at Victoria Centre.
Free Wi-Fi to family facilities and lots more.
Here at Victoria Centre we take pride in giving our visitors a great experience. From free Wi-Fi to family facilities Victoria Centre has a host of great services to help make your visit as convenient and enjoyable as possible.
Free Wi-Fi
We offer free Wi-Fi to all shoppers - sign up when you arrive at the centre, and surf the net to your heart's content while you shop. Getting online at Victoria Centre is so easy, and best of all you won't use any of your own data.

Amazon lockers
You'll find a bank of Amazon lockers in our basement car park (near John Lewis & Partners entrance). This is a super convenient service that's easy to use for all Victoria Centre visitors.

Family facilities & parent room
When a nappy needs changing, a parent needs a rest or a toddler needs taming, check out our family friendly facilities.
Here at Victoria Centre we have catered for your needs with baby changing facilities, and private areas for feeding. You can find all you need to take care of your little one at the toilets situated on the upper mall.

Quiet hour
We know it’s not always easy for customers with autism, anxiety, dementia and physical disabilities to shop our centre, which is why we’ve created a quiet hour so that customers who feel more relaxed and more confident in quieter surroundings can thoroughly enjoy their shopping trip with us.
So, what makes our quiet hour different to a normal day in the centre? We'll be turning down the music as well as dimming the lights, plus our staff will be on hand to make your visit as relaxed as possible.
Victoria Centre quiet hours are held every Sunday from 11am - 12pm.

Student zone
Many of our stores offer student discounts - River Island & Urban Outfitters are just a few, simply ask at the till point in store.
Remember to bring along a proof of Student ID to make the most of your discount!

Tax-free shopping
Tax-free forms can be requested in some of our stores, but why not save all your receipts and fill out the tax-free form at the airport?
A much quicker and easier way to claim your tax back. Alternatively you can print off tax-free forms online.

Facilities for disabled persons
Disabled parking
- We have 110 spaces reserved especially for disabled shoppers across both our car parks. If you have a Blue Badge, you qualify for 2 hours free parking.
- When you’re ready to leave go to any car park pay machine and press the help button to speak with one of our members of staff who will be able to validate your ticket for you. Please note, tickets are valid for up to two hours - anything over this is charged at the standard tariff rate.
Toilet facilities
- We have two disabled toilets located on the upper mall next to Muffin Break. A RADAR key is required to access these toilets. Please ask one of our team if you require access as they will be able to open it for you
- There is a changing room toilet which is also available. This has all the required equipment for a fully accessible and spacious experience for anyone who needs it. Again, you will find these on the upper mall with all other toilet and baby change facilities.
Assistance dogs
Like most public buildings, Victoria Centre welcomes assistance dogs in the centre. If your dog does not wear a high-vis jacket or harness, it is sometimes difficult for our staff to recognise the difference between assistance dogs and pets, which are not allowed in our centres.
Assistance dogs terms and conditions.
Assistance dogs:
- will not wander freely around the premises
- will sit or lie quietly on the floor next to their owner
- are unlikely to foul in a public place
- access to assistance dogs is on a one dog per handler basis

You might be able to buy a UAV, or drone, at one of our stores, but please wait until you get home before you try and use it! We are committed to keeping people safe and out of harm’s way when they visit us, as well as protecting the security and privacy of our staff and members of the public, so we don’t allow the use of drones anywhere on our property without express permission. That includes inside our centre, within our retail partners’ stores, in the car parks and on adjacent land, or anywhere else within the centre’s periphery. A member of our Centre Management team would be happy to speak to you if you have any questions, and thank you in advance for your cooperation.

First aid
In case of an accident or emergency you’ll be in safe hands. Our security staff are trained in first aid skills and will assist on request.

Code of conduct
All of us here at Victoria Centre are committed to making your experience with us as welcoming as possible. Whether you’re here for shopping, treating or eating, it’s important to us that each and every one of you feels at home. With that in mind we have few simple house rules that we hope will keep everyone happy.