Please note: York Street car park will be inaccessible between 8pm and 6am on 17th, 18th, 20th and 21st February due to essential Highways maintenance work.

Fire Safety

Here is a reminder of some of your responsibilities in relation to fire safety. Because we share a multi-occupied building with large numbers of the public visiting at any time, we have a responsibility to work together to ensure we maintain a safe place at all times for staff and the public. Full details of your responsibilities can be found in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Some of the key points and your statutory obligations are listed below:

  • Carry out a Fire Risk Assessment identifying potential hazards, those who might be harmed and your fire prevention and protection measures and share this with the centre Fire, Health & Safety Officer.
  • Appoint trained competent fire marshals, they should be available at all times whilst your unit is occupied.
  • Have emergency plans in place and practice them, you should practice evacuation drills at least twice a year. Know all your means of escape, check monthly. (walk the route so all staff are familiar with where to go in an emergency).
  • The centre carries out two planned evacuation drills a year which may form part of your own procedures. The designated Victoria Centre assessable point is located at Trinity Square, you will need to send a representative to lease with the assembly point staff, to report your unit has been evacuated and to received further instructions or when to re-occupy your store. You may decide to have a separate assembly point, but you must ensure a representative from your unit leases with the centre staff at Trinity Plaza
  • Keep sources of ignition and flammable substances apart, turn off gas supplies before leaving.
  • Ensure at all times good housekeeping, avoiding the build-up of rubbish.
  • Maintain life safety equipment, e.g. smoke alarms, fire alarms, emergency lighting, fire extinguishers, sprinklers etc.
  • Has any gas systems or equipment maintained and tested at least annually by a competent gas safe registered engineer?
  • Have the correct fire-fighting equipment and trained staff for putting a fire out quickly.
  • Keep fire exits and escape routes clearly marked and unobstructed at all times.
  • Ensure your employees receive appropriate training on procedures they need to follow, including fire drills and means of escape.
  • Review and update your fire risk assessment regularly.
  • Ensure extract ducting is regularly cleaned and grease deposits are not allowed to accumulate within the ducting (catering units).
  • Ensure any works that may impact on life safety systems, the units fire compartment or hot works are notified to centre management and permits to work obtained by contractors before they start.

Further information about your statutory duties can be found at the HSE website, .

Fire alarm/sprinkler tests

One of these statutory requirements is to carry out weekly fire alarm and sprinkler alarm tests. These are normally carried out between 7:00am and 10:00am on your allocated day. For information the centre will carry out their test every Tuesday at 9:15am, you will hear an alarm and voice announcement on the mall informing members of the public of the test.

Some simple steps for carrying out your weekly tests:

  1. Before testing your systems, please call the control room (0115 912 1207) and inform them you are about to start
  2. your weekly testing. (testing should be carried out between 07:00am and 10:00am).
  3. Carry out your test as normal from a different call point than the last week.
  4. Test your sprinkler flow system, allow 60 seconds for the system to start flowing before stopping.
  5. Reset the fire alarm and sprinkler to normal operation.
  6. Call control to check that they received both signals from your store.
  7. Record the tests in your fire logbook.
  8. Report any defects or faults to your maintenance providers.

Service Road rules

- you must wear a HiVis

- you must follow the allocated walkways

- contractors can only stay on service road for 20 minutes for deliveries only

- make control aware of any spillages and suspicious or dangerous behaviour

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